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From all the Thanksgiving strips this one was my least favorite one. While I love the art, especially posing s and expressions, I thought the dialogue would be too bizarre and perhaps even seen as rude. I thought about rephrasing it and dulling it down....but in the end we settled on the original draft and just let things be.

Overall I'm glad the arc is over and I think was better received than last years. Although I think we stirred up plenty of confusion about Hubbs and Al...which was quite frankly on purpose.

We intended to keep it open as what Hubbs and Al are being seen. Gay couple (guys with a transman or a girlish boyfriend) or a hetero couple with a non-feminine girlfriend. Who knows, there might be even further relationship combinations you could read into those two/into the dialoque of the parents.

I think the most direct one might've been Sedine's dad who asked 'if they changed yet'. But since he referred to both characters chances are he was talking about their sloppy clothes XD




Nick Klepac

I thought it was well played. It showed how many different people, with different attitudes see things. Of course both of the target people are completely confused and don't understand what everyone else means. It was also interesting to see everyone's varying take on it. Sedine, IMO, is the most confused. She thought she was helping Ellie and Hubbs and to a point her intentions were grand. However, she is quickly realizing, at least I hope, she is setting them up for a lot of hurt and eventual resentment because unbeknownst to them, she succeeded in making them a joke. After this scene, Sam gives up and hits the bottle. I can't say I blame him. Hubbs is harboring a lot of pain and the last thing he needs is someone putting him in a box.

Nick Klepac

By the way, Bea, love the art. I especially love panel #1 and all the detail.