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I'm very happy that the pin-up illustrations are well received so far. I not gonna lie to you but I have great fun drawing them (mostly because of a lack of clothes they are so fast to color...and I can overuse brushes like crazy XD)

Like with the Halloween artwork from last week, I plan to do another one for Christmas. This was the first draft....which got rejected. I like the motive but the pose is too stiff. So I'll rework her and see what happens.

Also, this will be a Patreon exclusive artwork. So you'll get a colored Sunday and two pin-ups next month. Wohoo! :D (assuming I can finish this one in time tho ^^")



Julius J. Marold

For some reason, I focused on the bell. Didn't even notice Ow. Nice work Bea, keep it up.


Wow. Sam's a lucky guy :-) And so are we for that sketch. Nice one, as always.