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Will I ever catch up with all my posts here...?

Let's find out :D

This was the original idea behind the 'heart'-catch. First I thought of it as Hubbs showing her the diamond (which looks more like a teardrop tho XD) and she misinterpreted it as him signaling her a heart as a big "I love you"

On one side I'm sad that we changed it...on the other side I think it plays better the way we handle it in the strip :)




Sedine's not gonna like it if she returns her clothes all dirty...or bloody. I think you did well with the diamond Bea, after all none of us can make a perfect diamond with our fingers.

Julius J. Marold

This particular strip is good. It could have fit well with the rest of the arc. Just a different game. Speaking of which, what happens when Hubbs says, "good game guys, lets hit the showers"?


I have to pay better attention to the 'diamond'. In the recent arc his hands are positioned all wrong when he showed it to her :<


Thank you ^^ I think so far there are no more game arcs planned, but maybe we'll find a space for this somewhere :) About the shower-thing. I have to admit...that might be the biggest plothole in this whole story. Those two all are active (and probably sweaty as hell) but yet not talk about showering :/