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Old sketch when flashback Charlene was the one with the long hair (and I'm really amazed that Roy's hair wasn't as spikey as it is nowadays....although, Now I regret that I didn't stick to this design. It looks so nice and fluffy ._.

This was an old bonding idea, in which Roy dubbed Charlene as 'Charlie'...to her embarrassment. This nickname was meant to stay with these two but ultimately got dropped in the final version.

According to my husband, Charlene's earlier designs were prettier than how she looks finally...I blame the nose...and her hair XD (One day I have to get back to her 'original' hairdo :) 



Mike K.

Quite a lot of the look of this design ended up being inherited by Michaela, I think. ✨💖✨

Mike K.

In fact, I wonder if maybe this version of Roy’s hair might be adapted for one of Michaela’s future boyfriends. 🤔✨


I’m not sure where I read it, but someone claimed that the first man most girls fall in love with is their own dad (of course not in a sexual matter). Therefore many of their future partners tend to have similar trades like the dad. So, yeah, maybe Micha’s future spouse could have things in common with Roy :)