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Early draft of how the first football game with Hubbs and Ellie was planned to be....as you can see, Sam was meant to be in this arc too :)

Well, we ended up using this scene (or a similar one) in the football arc from last year, with Sam grabbing Sedine instead of Ellie. I forgot why we decided to have stuff play that way instead of the original idea ^^"

(although in the end it was a better decision. After all Ellie was a cheerleader and knows at least a little bit about the rules in football. Her not knowing where to run to would be a bit...off I guess :P) 

Sam was scrapped entirely from this game because of time reasons (it's long enough the way it is. Having Sam in it would extend it even further @_@

Anyway, hope you like that little sketch-cartoon XD



Nick Klepac

Love this arc. As Lee said, it is amazing!

Mike K.

Waaaaaaaaay back when, you fretted a bit that the readers might not have patience for these longer arcs ... ... but lately, we all seem to want them to keep going ... ... and going ... ... and going~!! ✨💖✨


Actually, I got mixed reviews about this arc (and its length). Although the overall reception was positive, people were constantly asking for the wig coming off. I even got some frustrated and impatient comments that I didn't reveal Al's identity to Hubbs in the end of it. But this whole misunderstanding is kinda important for their relationship and to reveal more details about each character. There is no way that I wrap it up overnight ;P