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Finally having some time to doodle again....so I did...something frilly XD

Actually, I'm really Sailor Moon struck for a while now and would love to do more of those pretty girly illustrations Naoko Takeuchi did in her artbooks. Unfortunately it doesn't really suit this comic since it's a lot wilder in Humor than the Sailor Moon Manga was. Also my art style isn't as filigran as Takeuchi's is... Yet it's fun to draw more vanilla motives, with pretty poses and cute outfits and so on....

First I wanted to give her a more embarrassed or pouty face...but it made her look kinda intimidated (which ruined the overall feel of the motive :/) so instead I changed it into a innocent semis kissy face ^3^ 




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mr. Impatient

Bea, have you ever thought of making a coloring book?Pleeeaaase...