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An old idea we were contemplating for a while but won't approach until who knows when...Sedine taking up trucking XD

Yeah, sound like an april fool's joke but I'm quite serious about it...I think she would be a neat bad ass trucker babe...driving in high heels and mini skirt 0_0" 

(sadly I don't know a lot about trucking. But a friend of ours just got into. Guess he'll become or main source for this arc in a few years ;P)



Nick Klepac

A good friend of ours does that and loves it. Hard on the family since he is a long-haul driver, but good money. Also had a female friend that drove and has since left the business, she did local runs and loved it.


Sedine would make a fine trucker. I work in the transport business and she would be a tough cookie. I can just see her reverse a truck with a trailer to the docks and yell to haul ass. I would love to see her truck with decoration and lights. Maybe an idea for a Sunday drawing? :) pretty please?


Our friend I mentioned in the description just got into trucking. Right now he’s on a training trip for nation wide routes but he really loves it too. I hope he’ll do well :) I’m sad to say but...trucking is still on the table with me and my husband too. I’m kinda scared of taking that career route tho. But it’s in high demand (at least at the moment...) and for a bunch of drifters a good way of making a living...I hope we can build a career in cartooning instead but it feels like the industry is not interested in our product....yet :P


I’d love to give her a pink truck filled with overly female decoration...and have her wear her ‘Die-baseball cap and a wind jacket XD Somehow this whole scenario works out really neat in my head. We already put together a rough premise of her, Charlene and Gabby on a trip to transport a haul of...whipped cream cans (I thought I read somewhere that they rate as hazardous haul. But I might mix it up with something else tho). Sadly the details aren’t worked out. But her yelling to ‘haul ass’ would fit her trucker personality pretty well ;)