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When this comic published a lot of folks thought Hubbs would take a bigger role in this arc, like being the knight in shining armor rescuing Ellie from her troubles.

I admit, I felt bad when I saw those reaction that I didn't go that route. But then someone on Webtoons said their were glad that this is not a 'damsel in distress' story, I felt a lot better about myself :)

This strip was just meant as a cameo, showing that Hubbs and Ellie ran into each other quite often. Originally this arc was meant to come after the Dump arc (Sedine was meant to show up with the flip phone, but we dropped that idea) and it was meant to come before the sleepover arc (that way Ellie's comment over Hubbs' butt would've worked better. I'm really sad that we are so behind our schedule that we could not orchestrate all those arcs better. I probably talk to my husband and see if we scoot them around in the book or if we leave stuff the way they are...

The last panel was a mess, btw. I did not understand what my husband drew there. To me it looked like Ellie jumped onto the counter. Originally she was meant to stand in front of it.

Well...I like her on that counter. It kinda fits her character XD

Also Hubb's expression changed from layout to the final strip. I wanted that he stumbled accidentally into Ellie's arms. His phone just broke down (look at his clothes. Poor guy is just on his lunchbreak) and he wanted to bring it to the next shop t get it repaired....well, and there she was :D

In the original layout it looked like he knew Ellie was there and it was just another attempt to talk to her. However, I was afraid that folks view him as a stalker... :/



Julius J. Marold

Nice but at a quick glance, it looks like Hubbs is having a heart attack in the last panel. Maybe he is, in a way.

Nick Klepac

Poor Hubbs, the love of your life, so close and yet so far away.