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In my last sketch I already told you that these are not the original designs of the CEO Mr. Racker and Ellie's outfit. But personally speaking, for a quick design they didn't turn out too bad...what do you think? ^^

I wasn't sure what to give Ellie to wear. Originally I had a modern salesclerk outfit in mind: T-shirt and pants with a name tag on a band dangling from her neck. My husband however suggested to turn the outfit more into a stewardess kind of an outfit, to make her look more elegant and serious. Well, either way was fine for me but I went with my husband's suggestion because this outfit looks more appealing to me and I thought it would be more fun to draw (call me egoistical XD)

I love the shoes btw. I have a pair like this too...and wearing them always makes me feel like Sailor Venus ;P

 What I also like about this outfit is her blouse and how she uses it. Someone on GoComics summed it up pretty well: 'When buttoned up it's business only.' Guess Ellie is quite aware about her wardrobe after all ;)

The CEO: I mentioned that earlier too, his design shows pretty well how big 'One Piece' was an influence on me. It was not intended as such but he looks a bit like the character Franky. To my husband he looks more like Spandam tho XD If I would color him he would either have blond or grey-purpleish hair. 

His name, Newt Racker, was more spontaneous and is thanks to his lower jaw and teeth. He looks like a nutcracker. So we wanted a name which kinda sounds like it (although 'Newt Racker sounds more like the German word 'Nussknacker' rather then the english one). I wish we had his design before we started the arc. It would've been fun to play off of a character who has the title of a nutcracker: Due to his looks and due to his methods in how he deals with employers who are 'nuts which are hard to crack' ;))



Nick Klepac

Glad you chose that attire for Ellie, very nice, very professional. I really dislike women in pants and boy shirts with tags. I guess some corporations forget we are men and women:)


Personally speaking, although I prefer the look of dresses, skirts and blouses, I don't necessarily mind a gender neutral uniform for the workforce. I mean some women don't feel comfortable in girlish clothes out of whatever reasons. I think they appreciate the T-shirts ;) But when it comes to fiction I draw whatever I want, which explains the super feminine attire in so many strips XD But I wouldn't want to force my likings onto an actual person in that matter :)


Awesome. I enjoy these prelim sketches.