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To not be too cruel to Ellie, another dancing sketch with her and a proper partner ;)

This is older than the other one from Wednesday, but I thought they kinda fit each other ^^

I love Hubbs' shy expression. It's so much fun drawing him interact with her....I can't wait that their story properly starts so I can post all the sketches I held back so far :D



Julius J. Marold

I thought he was in pain. Perhaps she was standing on his foot or had kneed him in the crotch. Poor guy. I guess shyness can be painful too. Nice sketch.

Nick Klepac

I knew a guy like Hubbs and yes he was that shy. He would literally get the sweats around women. He finally got married actually and is very happy but he still blushes around his wife (she likes to screw with him sometimes on purpose just to see his reaction - I think his shyness his her turn on). Weird.


Haha, now I can't unsee her standing on his foot XD But, yeah, shyness can be painful I think (especially when you realize how much it can cripple your social life :