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I thought you guys (and gals) might like the outfit of Sedine which was only shown briefly in this arc...so I sketched her just for you in it :3

Good news tho, my husband and I were talking that we should use more black areas in the comic. So chances are this outfit will come back ;)

Personally I'm not too fond of outfits like this, same goes for the keyhole sweater and the virgin killer sweater. However I do admit that I'd love to draw Sed in those outfits anyway.

Don't ask me why I feel that way and still have the urge to draw it anyway...guess my inner perv and inner churchlady are having a battle over this issue XD

Hope you like it this :3




Had to Google the "virgin-killer" sweater to find out what that was all about--seems at best extremely impractical, and at worst something that might get someone arrested for indecent exposure! XD On the other hand, the dress Sedine is wearing above looks great and has a nice "Power Girl" vibe to it. Seems these sorts of things work much better as dresses than as knit sweaters to begin with. A dress can be tailored to fit a woman's physique and contours much more easily than a knit sweater and with much better results, so what looks good for a dress (e.g. cleavage windows, low backlines, open sides) looks silly as a knit sweater--but that's just my opinion. More proof that what looks good in anime doesn't always translate well in real life (more examples are "anime eye sparkle" contacts and tooth caps for girl's canines which are supposed to resemble anime "cutie fangs"--yes, these are actual fashion trends in Japan).


Ignoring my usual pervy instincts, I just thought to ask, do you plan on giving Sedine as a character the talent to draw? She obviously has a talent for sculpting(granted by the devil), but does she or anyone on the strip have the talent you and your husband have? I think it would be interesting for the character and her creator to have the same incredible gift. :)


I think wearing that thing in public requires a lot of guts O,O But I assume it’s more a Design intended for the bedroom anyway :P I agree with you on the anime trends too. In illlustration a lot looks a lot more appealing than done by actual people. Look at the (extreme) wasps waist. Great on Tinker Bell, concerning on an actual person


I doubt it. Maybe I get more into the sculpting. But I don’t think I have any of the main characters get into drawing or painting...maybe as a mini arc (after all, Sam’s parents are artists. So something in that direction might come up eventually anyway) However, personally speaking I don’t like many comics about artists or being an artist. Mostly because many of them are snarky or filled with self pity (you know, the suffering artist and how non artists don’t understand them ....) Therefore I don’t want to turn this comic into something like this ;)