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Sorry for the late post ^^"

This was a warm up sketch I did to get used to me current sketchbook (which is a lot smaller than the other one I usually use....but the paper is thicker, which is nice :))

NewPatriot mentioned that he feels like a peeping tom seeing Sedine in certain motives. I don't intent to portrait her as a woman on which the viewer spies on. More do I prefer to portrait her out of the point of view of Sam. I think that brings out the best of her cuteness and beauty :)



Nick Klepac

I look at her as Sam sees her. Here is getting us two glasses of wine to enjoy, dressed in a comfortable sexy outfit. She is so cute.

Julius J. Marold

I think the "peeping tom" suggestion is a compliment to you on how realistic your art work is. I too see her as Sam would see her, wife, lover, and best friend with a little childishness thrown in for fun. Keep up the good work.