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And there we are: the art corner, impromptu setup!  You all made it possible.  Without Patreon donations,  the strip would have stumbled at this time.  Thank you for your help.

(Mr. Husband) I haven't inked yet, but Beate has drawn a panel or two.  We just got this place together about 20 minutes ago.  It's way better than working with flat tables.  Tomorrow we launch into serious workload in order to avoid a gap in output. 

My brother is back in the hospital and they are working to get him back in order.  It was a complication of the mumps which caused vasculitis and has hampered the kidneys and bowels.  Ugh.  We might be here 2-3 months... maybe longer.



Mike K.

Less than two years, and you’ve already opened an “East Coast” office. 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Nick Klepac

I feel rather silly. This whole time I thought they went back to Europe (EC). You Northerners and your abbreviations; never would have thought EC meant East Coast. We just say, "went to Jersey, or New York, or Maine," or something like that. You guys use stuff like "shore, EC..." Well good news for me, they are closer than I thought. I was wondering how much money they spent setting that all up over there and taking their cat with them. Geez, I think I will go back to sleep.


That is mega-super! I was looking at a similar drawing table but there is just no room here in our small apartment at the retirement community we live in. T_T I was willing to sell the couch to make room but waifu vetoed that idea. It would be nice if I had a place to leave work standing and not have to get out my stuff before I even start trying to draw. Hope your brother gets the good treatment he needs and will be on the mend soon. I am most pleased to be one of your supporters! Love the strip! Looking forward to the book.


Jup, we are expanding pretty quick, aren’t we. I could tell you were our EC-office is...but you probably wouldn’t believe me XD


@HK now your question about the cat makes sense :D Don’t worry. I think everyone talks differently and sometimes these types of misunderstandings happening. No harm done :)


They are great! But bigger than they appear. So for a small apartment it could cause some cramping. ^^” I know what you mean tho. I’m a messy artist and I hate to tidy up each time. Rather just drop and leave so I can pick up stuff where I left it last time XD Maybe you can bribe your wife. Chocolates maybe? ; )

Nick Klepac

We have two kids in the East. One in PA and one in Hilton Head, SC, and of course in FL. Funny, the other two kids are in California.


Did I count that right, 5 kids? OoO we were only two and kept our parents quite busy. How’d you managed to keep your sanity with 5?+o+

Nick Klepac

Nope, 4 kids, we are living in Florida. Sorry. 6 Grandchildren. Don't let this shock you too much but my own family was rather small with 6 kids, I was number two. Now, my mother's family, 18 kids, she was number 17.