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Another old sketch...which I found quite cute :)

Micha tying Roy's tie...she's not that good at it, but guess it could be worse ;P

(btw...I have no idea how to tie a tie either ._.)



Nick Klepac

My daughters did that, it was fun. They taught me how to tie their weave their hair under the condition they had to learn how to tie a tie. Didn't come out good either way, but it was fun.


Not bad for a first attempt, so I guess you don't really wear ties Bea, would you ever consider wearing one of those bow neckwears like the one Sedine had when she worked as a security guard? I like the way those made her look. :)


Oh I have one of these, but you don’t tie it. The one I have is worn like a necklace. But there are other which can be clipped on too. I think those keep the shape better than when you tie them yourself. But I might be wrong (and very unskilled xD) Anyway, I like these a lot too. I think they are a really cute accessory and I’d love to give Sedine (actually all the girls) looks like this more often :)