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My apologies for failing to do the posts from last week. 

Here's the post for Friday...more chibi heads :D

If you read this strip on Tapas you probably noticed that I upload there twice a week with several strips in one 'episode'. For people to notice when a strip ends and a new starts I divide them with a banner of simplistic graphics of  Sam and Sedine's faces. 

I thought it looked kinda awkward to have their faces for episodes which don't feature them. So I scribbled the remaining cast in that simplistic style. Only problem...I really suck with illustrator and need my husband to make a vector graphic off of these sketches (he already did the Sam Sedine ones btw.)

So far he hasn't found the time to do these graphics, unfortunately.  However, I hope as soon as we are done compiling our first book, our schedule  will free up for more illustrations ^^

Which one of the faces do you like the most? I think Micha's is quite cute and hilarious :D



Mike K.

Roy seems pleased to have been “Chibi-fied.” 😏✨ Hubbs, in contrast, has more of a “What are you looking at?” expression. 🤨✨

Nick Klepac

I like Charlene. Even a simple drawing of her is beautiful. Micha is funny, the typical kid making faces when you take their picture. You right on Hubbs but I think Gabby is the same as him, "Why are you looking at me?"

Mike K.

“Ow” looks like he’s been caught with his paw in the cookie jar, maybe my favorite just for that. 😽✨


Thank you. Guess Gabby is not in for ‘selling out’ yet XD But she’s cute in her own way :)