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Ok, as promised yesterday. Gabby in the signature Speed racer pose :P

I doodled that shortly after husband drew the Gabracer strip (yes, that was his strips :P) because I liked the idea. We were thinking about turning this one into a mug motive (after all there is already some parody merchandise of Speed Racer out there) But in the end we dropped the idea because...we chickened out XD

However, I still like the little sketch anyway and held it back until the actual strip will be released...well, I kinda failed XD. 

I think it would be very suiting to Gabby to enjoy cartoons like that one. After all, it's pretty innocent without being boring imo :)



Nick Klepac

She would give Speed Racer a run for the finish line! Great doodle!


So your husband likes "Speed Racer"? Does he also like "Sonic the Hedgehog", because he's the fastest thing alive, faster than Speed Racer and I dare say cooler than the Flash!


Yeah, he likes speed racer, mostly due to the voice acting in the english dub (the original didn't really impress him too much ^^") But I don't think he's into Sonic so much. Unless you talk about the original video games. ...I second your last statement ;)