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Sedine is me when someone criticizes my art .___."...and I'm only a little bit ashamed of it XD

 This was my favorite strip from the 'Clo-chi'arc. I like Ellie's outfit with the beanie hat, Sedine looks really silly in the fourth panel and the fifth panel...well...look at the framing! I just love stuff like this :3

Also, although this arc was based on an incident with a horrific looking monkey statue, I kinda thought of this arc as an artist story. I mean, talking as an artist, you do put parts of yourself, of your soul, into your work. 

And while the critics tear on Sedine's sculpture, she's still in love enough with it to stand behind her creation...guess she isn't affected by any sort of imposter syndrome at all ;P

Just to let you know...I dearly hope that 'in SECURITY' is not in reality a monstrosity such as Clo-chi and I'm just blind to it ._."



Nick Klepac

You can't be serious? No way is 'in Security' anything but a great story line and great art! A few of us made comments how Clo-Chi is growing on us, and I suppose if anyone needs a good "guard statue", there you go. I don't think monstrosity is the correct word, more like terrifying because it is stealing souls. The rendering and her skill to make it was awesome.

Mike K.

“Simply go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.” - The First Doctor, “The Five Doctors.”

Mike K.

... though the actual clip where he says that was taken from the 1964 serial, “The Dalek Invasion Of Earth.” ✨