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Guess what, my tablet replacement came in time so I was able to finish this piece in time. Happy Super Bowl Sunday :D

It's a bit rushed here and there, but I really wanted to get it out in time >,<

Also, I know I shoud've used Foles' Number for Sedine's jersey since he's the starter for now but...can't help it, Wentz is my man >///< (besides I found it funny to have Brady's 12 and Wentz's 11)

Anyway, no matter if you watch the game or not, I hope you enjoy the little extra piece of artwork :)

Have a nice Sunday ^^




I like it, cute and mildly sexy, sorry it turned into a political disscusion on GoComics.


Thank you :) Well...it happens...best thing is to stay out and let people discuss it on their own. But I'm happy you like the artwork ^^

Nick Klepac

Sorry about the GoComic politics. I guess I have to be more careful considering how many hateful trolls there are out there. I tried to diffuse it. Seems like it settled down. My apologies.


It's ok, don't worry :) I avoid politics in my comic because I consider it as escapism, for me AND my readers. But I can't control what people write in the comments (and I shouldn't as long as there aren't insults or such). But I can control if I want to reply and get involved in any discussion...and I decided from the very start not to do so. That's all I have to say about it. But you don't have to apologize. After all there was no harm done :)