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Poor Gabby...nobody understands her :(

Not sure what to say about this one....Gabby is always a best seller XD

I really like her outfit. Kids clothing is always fun to choose :)

Also, Charlene was not intended to be in this strip. But I was worried people could misinterpret Roy showing up alone with the kids, shortly after Ellie left (in the original order of the strips, Ellie showed up right before Gabby) I know where I'm coming from, right? Therefore I added Charlene so that everything stays nice and innocent :)

Also silent interaction between Roy and Sedine was added in the first panel because...we all know he will not miss THAT chance to tease Sedine over her elf-outfit ;)



Mike K.

Love Gabby’s eyes in Panel #4 of the rough sketch. 🤩


I noticed panel 1 when you first published it...Michaela and Charlene standing behind Roy, and Roy hardly being able to contain himself at the sight of Sedine...says volumes!