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At least for you guys on Patreon :)

I wrote about the issues of Patreon's new fees last week. Today Patreon had a new announcement about it. And what should I say? I'm ver happy about it ^^


To sum it up, Patreon will not enforce their new system of how they charge fees. You, as my patrons, will not pay extra in order to support me. 

I'm honestly happy to see that Patreon did not pull through with this. I understand that they want to improve the platform and that's great. I also understand that they need to financially cover their bases when it comes to transaction fees, programmers, servers and who knows what else. 

But I still think by no means those costs should be burdened onto supporters.

Also, once again, thank you to those who were willing to pay a bit extra to stick around. Although everything will stay the way it is, I'm very happy to experience such support. Thank you a lot! :D