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Poor Sam...

I'm amazed the shelfs still had that many shoes in there. Looking at some video footage of Black Friday riots, it seems like people just grab anything out of the shelfs...no matter if they need or even want it...or if it fits them XD

Not trying to lecture or such but...behavior like this is quite shocking. I mean, it makes you even more concerned how people would behave if we run into a real disaster situation...don't you agree? :/




Yes, big concern. Unfortunately the news seeks out these terrible incidents to televise making it seem more common than it actually is.

Nick Klepac

During Katrina and Sandy, idiots were stealing huge TV's. I wonder where they could plug them in to see them since all were standing in water. Or the protests against the police even when they have be acquitted and these idiots destroy their own jobs and places to shop. Not too smart.


That's true tho. I guess 'riots and injury' sells better than 'mall was just crowded' ^^


People can do terrible things when their emotions overwhelm them :( I never got into the riot idea. Protesting is one thing, but smashing up stuff is just harmful. Sure, you make yourself heard but...at what cost. And if it really will trigger any (positive) change is quite questionable, imo :/ About the looting, that's pretty scummy...and dangerous. I guess calling those folks 'idiots' sums it up pretty good :(