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I'm sorry for the short WIP. Dummy-me did not take a single photo of the full progress of the second week of this arc. But I think it's important to show at least something of it. So I peeled whatever I had back out of my paper bin and took photos of it. I hope you forgive me ;3;

Well....about the WIP. Meet the parents...his parents. I dont want to give away too much of this arc already, so I try to phrase myself as thoughtful as possible :)

Sedine's parents are wealthy business people. Nothing wrong with that except that her mom, as you probably vividly remember, is obsessed with money and wealth. So obsessed that she takes her greed and stinginess over her own child's interests and feelings. (It's never been properly addressed, but maybe Sedine's seeking for 'a second childhood' makes now more and more sense to you :))

Well, this comic is not a soapbox and I never want it to become one. Therefore I wanted that Sam's side of the family has similar issues to deal with, which ultimately clash with the ideology of Sedine's parents. 

This is what I settled in the end with, the overly emotional do-gooder who concentrate their efforts to fight for social justice...at the wrong occasion.

As you can see in the roughs, mom's design did change quite a lot. My husband interpreted her as a 'hip and trendy forever 21 year old' in her early 60's. Well, I thought that was a bit too much even for my taste. After all, I want to use those characters again eventually and wanted that they are at least somewhat appealing and look like characters...and not like weird caricatures. So I gave her a more classy look. Besides that way I could also give her the unique bangs Sam's got. :)

Overall I'm very happy how the design of those two turned out. I was looking forward to have a character with shades and big glasses.



Went Brown


Mike K.

“Proto-Mom” reminds me a little of Pippi Longstocking. 🤔