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Old sketch is old...(and I hope I didn't show this one yet 0___0")

This was one of the earlier sketches with Roy and his two angels. Apparently Gabby's design changed a lot since then...although even back then she had her thick eyebrows :)

Remember the work arc in the beginning of the year, when Sedine painted Roy's fingernails? That idea was based on a mini comic in which Roy had painted fingernails due to a beauty session with his little ones. But due to not having nail polish remover  at home he had to show up at work, somehow hiding his nails by wearing a glove.

Sadly when I published said comic people didn't really get it...well...early tries :/

I still like the main idea tho. As much of a jerk Roy is, he can be sweet...if he wants to :)



Nick Klepac

All men have a soft side, we just won't admit it. By the way, sorry about the earlier 'cat' joke. I didn't mean to offend you.

Nick Klepac

I have three daughters and when younger they all did this! It is fun and you get to see a lot of what your daughters are made of - sugar and spice!


I'm not offended over that, please don't worry :) Hey, in some cultures cats and dogs are specialities (although I'd pass on that, to be honest ^^)


Meh, my dad would never let me do that to him >:( But granted, he was always busy with other stuff anyway. But sounds lovely. I'm sure your daughters appreciated the time you took for them :)