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I apologize for the lack of sketches. I will post the missing two sketches from last week together with this weeks sketches. Right now I'm just a bit behind with everything >,<

Today's sketch...The 'healthy Halloween'-kids...unmasked :)

I want to use them for future arcs again and thought I should think up how they look without their costumes. After all, it's only 'Link' who showed his face ;)

So, who are they?

Link=Lesley: lives on a small farmstead and favorite beverage is milk. He likes horseback riding....and out of whatever reason the chickens seems to hate him. Loves to travel and to hike, as long as he's in nature.

Cyberman=Chris: Bit of a pushover. He's great in maths, likes robots and loves science fiction. Wants to become an astronaut one day. 

Phantom=Winnie: Gets along better with boys than with other girls. Likes playing piano and writing Poems. Easily excitable and often says what she thinks. 

Sadly everything for this year is wrapped up. But I hope I get a change to let them show back up in 2018 :3



Mike K.

They’re so cute!

Nick Klepac

Cute! I understand the chickens and Link. My chickens are like my dog, they like some people and absolutely hate others.


I never had problems with chickens....but when I was a kid, one of my friends had geese....they didn't like me .___." (and I haven't even done anything XD)