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Inktober #6. This time Sedine and Hubbs.

Since so many people wanted to see a pantyshot...there you go...kinda XD

Btw, shame on me, I drew the wrong type of football for Hubbs :(
The football Hubbs totes around is a college football. However, Hubbs is into the pro sport. Also he never went to college. Therefore it makes no sense that he has a college football. I apologize for that mistake. I should've spotted and corrected it way earlier :(  

After this arc, he will have a pro-football...




Dear Bea, Sedine gets cuter with each pinup you draw of her. Please keep them coming. Best, Nick


College football or pro football makes no difference to the average fan. :-)


Some of the best pinup artists were women: Joyce Ballantyne, Zoë Mozert, Pearl Frush, and Olivia De Berardinis to name a few. Perhaps Bea will join them? :-)