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Well...this is me...in my dad's car. Seriously XD

I was really a messy kid and dilemmas like this, were I tried to open 'carefully' a bag with who-knows-what in it, did happen several times a week...Perhaps that's the reason my folks hardly calls me anymore. they probably just realized how much cleaner their home is without me in the country. Now they don't want to encourage me to come back and make a mess again XD  

Btw. panel3 was quite fun...so was panel 4. It's rare to see Sam ready to murder her ;P




The most messy thing you can open is a ketchup bottle that's been kept in a warm place. When you open the bottle, ketchup gets sprayed everywhere.


Aw, Sam doesn't want to murder her. Maybe put a pumpknot on her pretty little noggin, but not murder ;-)


Only if you wear a white or expensive shirt. If you wearing an old rag ketchup doesn't seem to be messy at all XD