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Did I ever tell you that I was trained in storyboarding? Well, at least in the basics I should say XD

My original plan for 2016 was to move to the West Coast and try to get into animation. But I wimped out in favor of this comic XD (I'm not sure if I'm really ready for that bold step anyway ._.)

Anyway, it might explain some of the panel compositions of this comic, doesn't it?

These are some sketches I did, I don't know how long ago, and which I wanted to turn into fake screen shots. I thought it would be a nice digital coloring practice. Sadly I dropped that idea and until just a couple days ago I forgot about those sketches.

Well, although they are a bit old, I thought you'd like to see them anyway :)

Also, friendly reminder. I'm still taking requests. Please bear with my slow replies tho ;D





Yes! Thanks for sharing. I need to loosen up and do a bit more action in my drawings. I tend to drown in details!


Me too. Which can be really time consuming and frustrating sometimes XDBut It's fun to break out of it once in awhile :)


It is amazing, how it really looks like a screenshot <3 Wonderful!