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Aw, sorry for the delayed post. I, once again, overloaded myself with too much stuff I guess. I really want to be a workaholic...but either the day has too little hours or I'm too slow for all the stuff I want to do XD

Anyway, don't worry. I'll get back to your comments tonight :)

About the WIP. This is my favorite strip of the 'Pamper Camper' arc. It was really fun drawing the second panel and re-interpret it in the third. I'm also really happy how 'the haunted' Frankenstein's Monster mask was received :)

I hope I can do stuff like this more often :D

Hope you like it 



Went Brown

I'm kinda offended by the women's reactions..........


I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed that my office sports a lot of the same types of toys & doodads.


I'd be proud :D I wish my art area had more shelf space for stuff like this. I'd love I could display more stuff like that around here :)