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When I went to get my passport renewed I had to drive to a bigger city. Cities are quite fascinating from a fashion point of view. You see everything, the casual looks, glamorous and people who look like they just fell out of the bed and want to get some milk for their cereal before they get themselves dressed XD (Sadly, most of the time I identify with the last group T^T)

Anyway, there was this one lady who wore this really neat blue striped, baggy jump suit with a black leather jacket....and she looked friggin amazing! ;A;

Therefore I wanted to scribble that jumpsuit on Ellie and hopefully won't forget to let her wear something like this eventually in the comic :)

I'm really, really jealous of people like that lady. If I wear something like that...I would look like I'm in a striped potato sack...body, why you no elegant!?  0A0'




Ellie looks terrific! I tend to wear monochrome clothing except no black. I'm just too hot in black anything. Waifu says gets tired of seeing me in beige, white and gray but it's my comfort level. I did buy some colorful golf shirts finally.


I used to wear only black a few years ago...mostly because I felt like every other color didn't suit me :/ Nowadays it's a bit more colorful...although I stay away from white since I always get it dirty somehow XD