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Anyone remember this chibi from earlier this year? :)

Since Patreon changed their design I have to change a few of my banners.

For now I'll stick with the old ones and the old logos tho. After all, Patreon changed their logo so bad that it's hardly recognizable anymore and I think I will confuse people who only know the old orange one. But eventually I will replace everything and update it. This tip jar illustration will become the new ad graphic for this Patreon account...as soon as I'm done coloring two more Sunday comics and another illustration that is XD.

However, it's cute and I thought you might want to see the outlines already.

I hope you like it and have a great Sunday :)




Patreon isn't the only one who ruined their logo... if you're familiar with deviantArt, they did an even worse job of revamping theirs to the point where it absolutely defies all logic. Almost everyone I know with a dA account was strongly against it, but to no avail. I can't imagine where they come up with these stupid designs... :-P The great industrial designer Raymond Loewy would've had a thing or two to say about all that, and none of it good. Keeping a logo design simple is one thing, but it should still make sense! BTW, chibi Sedine in the jar is very cute! Thanks for sharing!


I remember someone saying that the new DA logo looks like a 'f' So on it's page in the corner it spells 'deviant fart'...I can't unsee that XD But, yeah, I didn't understand why they changed the logo into that...thing. I mean, what does it even supposed to be? O,o The new Patreon logo can at least be somewhat identified as a 'P'....or a stick and a ball...or a 10... But it lost all it's identity and character. Sadly, people were complaining about that change on FB and just told they gonna get use to it. I guess Patreon won't change it back then...oh well :/ It's nice you like the chibi tho. I guess the changes have something positive then: an excuse to draw more chibis XD