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Wohoo! I’ve got News for you :D

‘in SECURITY’ starts now also on Tapas and on WebToon. 

For now only as reruns but if the comic is well received there I will let it run parallel to the original run on GoComics :)

What will changed? Not really much. Except that I reformatted the comic into a larger and more mobile phone friendly format. Also instead of one strip daily I will publish several daily strips combined into one episode every Monday. :)

If you have an account on either platform and enjoy my work (and want to help me spread the word), please feel free to subscribe to ‘in SECURITY’ right here: 



I hope you enjoy the new format and I wish you a great start into the week :D




Congratulations! You're injecting something new and interesting in the world of comic strips. Keep up the good drawin' and throw in a little of the surreal from time to time just like you're doing! ;-)


Thank you for the kind words :> I dearly hope others see it the same way like you do. And I'll do my best to keep up what I'm doing :D Thanks a lot for your support :)


Nice!!!! This is great news!!!!