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OK, I confess! I confess it all!!!...this wasn't my idea. XD

This strip was one of the few my husband came up with. When he showed me the rough of it I wasn't very convinced it will work. But nonetheless I 'struggled' thruh it and hoped for the best.

To me surprise the strip was received very well which makes me happy that I did it over all :)

Btw. I do agree with some of the commenters. Thinking something is adorable doesn't make someone less manly in any way. So let's embrace cuteness and beauty for what it is and without overthinking what someone else might think of us :)



Went Brown

Aww that is rather adorable

Denis Gehlhaar

Am i less of a man to think that he is right? XD


You sure are! XD Nah, just kidding. I think admitting something is cute is way manlier than denying it. It shows some healthy self esteem in my opinion :)