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Once again, there is not a lot to say about this strip...except that I'm very happy that people put a lot of weight into Sedine's dialogue from the first panel :)

I always enjoyed the flashback stories in 'One Piece' and wanted to build my characters like that too (although it won't be as tragic as in 'One Piece' ^^")

Throughout the series I'd like to give some insights in the youth of the characters, hopefully that way I can explain why they are the way they are. I just hope I can pull that off without confusing people XD




I enjoy that part of the comic strip too. I think people are more discriminating about story line consistency than they used to be, though. Old Al Capp could introduce characters and plots into "Lil' Abner" with no explanation at all. I remember once he gave Lil' Abner a fifteen year-old brother, who'd never even been seen in the strip before, with only the explanation that his mother had forgotten she had given birth to a second child and left him at the "Dogpatch Mule & Maternity Hospital" where he'd been adopted by somebody else.


Oh, and by the way, the baby & cat dancing the conga was precious. You can tell Sam I feel the same way about the sight that he does...LOL


Thank you :) Hm, I think you have a point. I wonder why people are more conscious about these kinds of things nowadays...? Not that it really bothers me (it would be just a bit embarrassing to be caught with an obvious after thought XD), but I enjoy thoroughly thought out stories too so...I hope I can create one myself :3


I'm really happy to hear that :D I was not sure if the gag would play well but I'm really surprised how positive the reactions were :) Thank you for letting me know ^^