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Hi there :D

Today a PC colored sketch for you. Although it's a bit weird to color over pencil lines (because you see every mistake XD)

Anyway, I hope you like it and have a great Sunday :)




As always, nicely done! I like the effect that comes with mixing sketchy lines/inks & clean colors. Hrm.. I sat here for like 3-4 minutes trying to come up with the words for "why" I like the effect, but failed. The closest thing I could come up with was it makes the piece feel more like a real person created it, kinda like traditional tones vs shades of grey. Anyway.. What sort of setup do you use for digital work? I'm trying to teach myself to use a tablet after years of keyboard & mouse, and while I'm making progress, I still actually dread using the thing. :)


Thank you :) I'm still not 100% happy with my digital colorations. I dunno why but...I still have problems seing the finished picture in my head and therefore don't know in what style the coloration should go xD (I used to use copics in the past whith which I didn't suffer that problem. But copics are pricey and it takes forever to color things with it. Therefore I'd rather learn how to do it with PC and get good at it. However, I still fish in muddy water for a coloring style which satisfy me ^^"