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little late, but here the next early access to our new series. and once again...you gotta wonder what kind of media this girl is reading and if she might be the sole reason Aliens don't wanna talk to us after all XD

Good thing she came across a gentlemen, tho ^^"

This was one of the first jokes we were actually writing for this series and it also portrays the original intend of the comic too...although ʎx∀ was meant to be far more annoyed by her...'flirting', while in the end he's more or less gracefully dodging whatever she throws at him... ^^"




"Lets take a look at this contract. Hmmm... Yadayada... My immortal soul... yadayada... for all eternity... Seems pretty standard. Are you from Google by any chance?"

Nadia Novak (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 09:25:43 If she knew the social history of the Galactic Confederation, she might find herself wishing she'd been abducted five galactic standard minutes ago, before the #UsAsWell movement came along and, (from her fantasy's perspective,) ruined everything. Now... ugh... informed CONSENT is required, and in-writing... good for equality, but on the sexiness front, a real mood killer... like pausing to open a condom that is, on top of being a condom, also sealed in a child-proof, almost indestructible wrapper, with 5 paragraphs of instructions, (that you better read and understand before you try to use it or it will definitely NOT protect anyone,) which are written in such tiny and illegible print that you'll need glasses to read, and once you OPEN the blasted thing, it's not clear which way the slippery, slimy little bastard is supposed to unroll! Oh, and if you start putting it on WRONG, it is of course instantly ruined... and there's no standard for which way it goes in the package, so forget inferring from the wrapper which way to open the next one, even if it came from the same BOX... "I, the undersigned sentient life form, do hereby grant requestor, (and requestor's friends, associates, coworkers, broodmates, superiors, subordinates, etc.,) consent to probe any and all orifices that are mine to offer, with whatsoever projection, limb, tentacle, aputerance, device, mechanism, aparatus, etc., etc., etc., they may desire or require for any purpose, and waive all rights to complain, fight back, escape, or whine about it before, during, or after, in perpetuity... (uh huh, sounds good so far,) in the event of impregnation, I agree to carry whatever life form may have been deposited into any portion of my living body, and understand mind control, masking dreams, unconscious programming, etc., may be involved in this process. (Naturally...) Should my body be ripped apart as the being for which I agree to become a vessel exits his, her, its, their, etc., gestational period or life phase, I agree to expire with a minimal amount of noise, fuss, or plaintive wailing... (wait a minnit... that doesn't sound fun, hawt, OR sexy...) though I acknowledge that I have been advised of my right to moan some pithy last words to whoever may stumble across me in my final moments as a corporate, embodied life form. I agree, however, not to beg to be killed by same as a means to prevent the birth, emergence, bursting forth, etc. "Oh what the hell, you only get abducted by aliens once, right? Do you have a pen?"
2024-05-02 09:25:43 If she knew the social history of the Galactic Confederation, she might find herself wishing she'd been abducted five galactic standard minutes ago, before the #UsAsWell movement came along and, (from her fantasy's perspective,) ruined everything. Now... ugh... informed CONSENT is required, and in-writing... good for equality, but on the sexiness front, a real mood killer... like pausing to open a condom that is, on top of being a condom, also sealed in a child-proof, almost indestructible wrapper, with 5 paragraphs of instructions, (that you better read and understand before you try to use it or it will definitely NOT protect anyone,) which are written in such tiny and illegible print that you'll need glasses to read, and once you OPEN the blasted thing, it's not clear which way the slippery, slimy little bastard is supposed to unroll! Oh, and if you start putting it on WRONG, it is of course instantly ruined... and there's no standard for which way it goes in the package, so forget inferring from the wrapper which way to open the next one, even if it came from the same BOX... "I, the undersigned sentient life form, do hereby grant requestor, (and requestor's friends, associates, coworkers, broodmates, superiors, subordinates, etc.,) consent to probe any and all orifices that are mine to offer, with whatsoever projection, limb, tentacle, aputerance, device, mechanism, aparatus, etc., etc., etc., they may desire or require for any purpose, and waive all rights to complain, fight back, escape, or whine about it before, during, or after, in perpetuity... (uh huh, sounds good so far,) in the event of impregnation, I agree to carry whatever life form may have been deposited into any portion of my living body, and understand mind control, masking dreams, unconscious programming, etc., may be involved in this process. (Naturally...) Should my body be ripped apart as the being for which I agree to become a vessel exits his, her, its, their, etc., gestational period or life phase, I agree to expire with a minimal amount of noise, fuss, or plaintive wailing... (wait a minnit... that doesn't sound fun, hawt, OR sexy...) though I acknowledge that I have been advised of my right to moan some pithy last words to whoever may stumble across me in my final moments as a corporate, embodied life form. I agree, however, not to beg to be killed by same as a means to prevent the birth, emergence, bursting forth, etc. "Oh what the hell, you only get abducted by aliens once, right? Do you have a pen?"
2024-04-27 18:38:02 If she knew the social history of the Galactic Confederation, she might find herself wishing she'd been abducted five galactic standard minutes ago, before the #UsAsWell movement came along and, (from her fantasy's perspective,) ruined everything. Now... ugh... informed CONSENT is required, and in-writing... good for equality, but on the sexiness front, a real mood killer... like pausing to open a condom that is, on top of being a condom, also sealed in a child-proof, almost indestructible wrapper, with 5 paragraphs of instructions, (that you better read and understand before you try to use it or it will definitely NOT protect anyone,) which are written in such tiny and illegible print that you'll need glasses to read, and once you OPEN the blasted thing, it's not clear which way the slippery, slimy little bastard is supposed to unroll! Oh, and if you start putting it on WRONG, it is of course instantly ruined... and there's no standard for which way it goes in the package, so forget inferring from the wrapper which way to open the next one, even if it came from the same BOX... "I, the undersigned sentient life form, do hereby grant requestor, (and requestor's friends, associates, coworkers, broodmates, superiors, subordinates, etc.,) consent to probe any and all orifices that are mine to offer, with whatsoever projection, limb, tentacle, aputerance, device, mechanism, aparatus, etc., etc., etc., they may desire or require for any purpose, and waive all rights to complain, fight back, escape, or whine about it before, during, or after, in perpetuity... (uh huh, sounds good so far,) in the event of impregnation, I agree to carry whatever life form may have been deposited into any portion of my living body, and understand mind control, masking dreams, unconscious programming, etc., may be involved in this process. (Naturally...) Should my body be ripped apart as the being for which I agree to become a vessel exits his, her, its, their, etc., gestational period or life phase, I agree to expire with a minimal amount of noise, fuss, or plaintive wailing... (wait a minnit... that doesn't sound fun, hawt, OR sexy...) though I acknowledge that I have been advised of my right to moan some pithy last words to whoever may stumble across me in my final moments as a corporate, embodied life form. I agree, however, not to beg to be killed by same as a means to prevent the birth, emergence, bursting forth, etc. "Oh what the hell, you only get abducted by aliens once, right? Do you have a pen?"

If she knew the social history of the Galactic Confederation, she might find herself wishing she'd been abducted five galactic standard minutes ago, before the #UsAsWell movement came along and, (from her fantasy's perspective,) ruined everything. Now... ugh... informed CONSENT is required, and in-writing... good for equality, but on the sexiness front, a real mood killer... like pausing to open a condom that is, on top of being a condom, also sealed in a child-proof, almost indestructible wrapper, with 5 paragraphs of instructions, (that you better read and understand before you try to use it or it will definitely NOT protect anyone,) which are written in such tiny and illegible print that you'll need glasses to read, and once you OPEN the blasted thing, it's not clear which way the slippery, slimy little bastard is supposed to unroll! Oh, and if you start putting it on WRONG, it is of course instantly ruined... and there's no standard for which way it goes in the package, so forget inferring from the wrapper which way to open the next one, even if it came from the same BOX... "I, the undersigned sentient life form, do hereby grant requestor, (and requestor's friends, associates, coworkers, broodmates, superiors, subordinates, etc.,) consent to probe any and all orifices that are mine to offer, with whatsoever projection, limb, tentacle, aputerance, device, mechanism, aparatus, etc., etc., etc., they may desire or require for any purpose, and waive all rights to complain, fight back, escape, or whine about it before, during, or after, in perpetuity... (uh huh, sounds good so far,) in the event of impregnation, I agree to carry whatever life form may have been deposited into any portion of my living body, and understand mind control, masking dreams, unconscious programming, etc., may be involved in this process. (Naturally...) Should my body be ripped apart as the being for which I agree to become a vessel exits his, her, its, their, etc., gestational period or life phase, I agree to expire with a minimal amount of noise, fuss, or plaintive wailing... (wait a minnit... that doesn't sound fun, hawt, OR sexy...) though I acknowledge that I have been advised of my right to moan some pithy last words to whoever may stumble across me in my final moments as a corporate, embodied life form. I agree, however, not to beg to be killed by same as a means to prevent the birth, emergence, bursting forth, etc. "Oh what the hell, you only get abducted by aliens once, right? Do you have a pen?"

Nadia Novak (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 09:25:43 What I'm saying is... does Gal entertain alien rape fantasies? Sounds like she does... some, more militant feminists might insist she turn her feminist card in, if she was ever granted one. Other, more modern, progressive-type feminists will insist she has the right to whatever fantasy, kink, desire, etc., she might have it in her nature to entertain, while the more curious and deliberaively-minded ones will debate (with themselves, each other, and anyone willing to listen,) whether her desires to be abducted and forcibly penetrated are truly inately her own, or implanted there by conditioning by the media, as an extension of the patriarchy, and if it is her own will or decades of conditioning and messaging that makes her think it is her own sincere wish to be... ripped open, (metaphorically,) by some hideous alien's giant, throbbing tentacle... Without a time machine and alternate universes to explore, we may never know.
2024-05-02 09:25:43 What I'm saying is... does Gal entertain alien rape fantasies? Sounds like she does... some, more militant feminists might insist she turn her feminist card in, if she was ever granted one. Other, more modern, progressive-type feminists will insist she has the right to whatever fantasy, kink, desire, etc., she might have it in her nature to entertain, while the more curious and deliberaively-minded ones will debate (with themselves, each other, and anyone willing to listen,) whether her desires to be abducted and forcibly penetrated are truly inately her own, or implanted there by conditioning by the media, as an extension of the patriarchy, and if it is her own will or decades of conditioning and messaging that makes her think it is her own sincere wish to be... ripped open, (metaphorically,) by some hideous alien's giant, throbbing tentacle... Without a time machine and alternate universes to explore, we may never know.
2024-04-27 18:49:23 What I'm saying is... does Gal entertain alien rape fantasies? Sounds like she does... some, more militant feminists might insist she turn her feminist card in, if she was ever granted one. Other, more modern, progressive-type feminists will insist she has the right to whatever fantasy, kink, desire, etc., she might have it in her nature to entertain, while the more curious and deliberaively-minded ones will debate (with themselves, each other, and anyone willing to listen,) whether her desires to be abducted and forcibly penetrated are truly inately her own, or implanted there by conditioning by the media, as an extension of the patriarchy, and if it is her own will or decades of conditioning and messaging that makes her think it is her own sincere wish to be... ripped open, (metaphorically,) by some hideous alien's giant, throbbing tentacle... Without a time machine and alternate universes to explore, we may never know.

What I'm saying is... does Gal entertain alien rape fantasies? Sounds like she does... some, more militant feminists might insist she turn her feminist card in, if she was ever granted one. Other, more modern, progressive-type feminists will insist she has the right to whatever fantasy, kink, desire, etc., she might have it in her nature to entertain, while the more curious and deliberaively-minded ones will debate (with themselves, each other, and anyone willing to listen,) whether her desires to be abducted and forcibly penetrated are truly inately her own, or implanted there by conditioning by the media, as an extension of the patriarchy, and if it is her own will or decades of conditioning and messaging that makes her think it is her own sincere wish to be... ripped open, (metaphorically,) by some hideous alien's giant, throbbing tentacle... Without a time machine and alternate universes to explore, we may never know.