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and the male lead has arrived. wohoo!

I'm actually really happy with ʎx∀'s design. I was aiming for something simplistic (because I have to draw this character over and over again. So details can be sooooo challenging in the long run). He's meant to look like a combination of scientist and retro sci-fi. the googles supposed to represent the large bug eyes of a grey and originally I even aimed for his skin to be grey....but it made him look more like a vampire than an alien so I switched that to a pale purple instead...which brought me into the dilemma where I wanted to keep this comic mostly b/w but...since he's supposed to have a non-human skin tone I couldn't leave his skin white like I did with Gal....so flat purple it became...this comic turned so much more colorful than I was hoping for ;A;

anyway, I'm glad our girlie isn't too distressed over the situation she's in. Guess some folks are born without a survival instinct ^^"



Philip Rauschert

When in doubt, make Alien a Space Elf. Works every time. XD


Poor Bea, still regretting all of Mino’s detail? 😂