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well, as I hinted last week, it's getting dark here!

Actually, I gotta be honest, this part of Viola's story makes me feel really nervous. I feel like this can easily interpreted in all sorts of ways and may even turn controversial. I mean, this is a comic about cute catgirls and suddenly I hit you with THIS!

But I feel like it's an important aspect of Viola's character. If she was just a spoiled trendsetter, her losing her tail (even though it's just temporary) feels like such a nothing burger. But the fact that she had to stand up for herself from a very young age, was constantly watching out for herself and still got caught blind sighted...that hits hard.

It's not about the tail but about her security and safety getting shattered. After all her folks have the means to harm her and they don't play around...and I feel like that's a much better story than her falling from grace by being allergic or some random internet trolls attacking her.

Also, one note on the side, because that last panel could be seen like this. No, she has not been SAed as child. The whole 'trophy wife' thing is already screwed up as it is. I do not want to go any further than that. That's not my story to tell.

And finally, t his is also not a statement or criticism on the breeding industry in general. It's simply just a piece of fiction of a woman who struggled over gaining and keeping agency over her life and future, told through a catgirl of royalty like circumstances.




Not to worry! I think every story needs to have some element of darkness now and then. It adds some depth to the characters. On a related note: Dang it! Now I feel bad for her. Why can't I just hate her for no good reason! (I kid of course)

Philip Rauschert

I like the set up. It works nicely precisely because there is that germ of real truth behind it all. Cats were bred as status symbols and once they become humanoid, the status only increases.


ikr, sometimes you just wanna dislike someone and then, bam, tragic backstory XD