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and the promised NSFW sketches. My apologies they were a bit behind. Usually I do my sketching during my lunch break. But my time schedule got a bit crunched ^^"

Little booty action this time. although I low-key feel like this is the raciest piece of art I did for Jack in...forever? ^^"

It's so weird because on one side I feel like he's be too uptight on posing like this. But then again I also think anyone who want to win his heart would have to endure him being very dominant....I guess? XD

I really like the color scheme for Mino. I did some stamp and brush techniques for the stripes. sadly that big pink blob in the corner was meant to be a cluster of flowers. But...they got kinda blurry. I guess very detailed motifs don't work too well with my ink :(

well, I rescued it with some paint and stickers. sooooooo....I hope that works ^^

as usual, full images are in the attachment.

Also, friendly reminder, this is the last time I post mature stuff on the $5 tier. starting next month all new 18+ content will be $6 tier exclusive. Old content of that nature will remain on this tier, tho.

Thanks for your understanding :)




I humbly accept Mino’s gift.

Alistair Star

I think we can all agree jack is clearly untamable. And mino...will definitely tame you before you get your chance.