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" Augmented people and cyborgs with extra mechanical arms have become a common sight. These enhanced individuals are often seen as symbols of power and strength, scifi-inspired future landscape or secret government projects.

They have been created to become more than human; able to perform tasks impossible for regular humans due to their increased physical capabilities. Whether it's engaging in high speed chases or facing off against enemies with superior firepower, these augmented people make a formidable force on the streets. 

With their advanced technology and superior combat skills, they can easily outmatch even the toughest opponents."

More amazing stuff very soon.




Jeremy Bernhardt

The first model has a decent pose. The second and third designs shown are boring in the concept art, and even less interesting in the static poses for the sculpts. It's a consistent thing with Unit9 over the past 6-12 months. Cool concept art translated into terrible, bland poses on at least one or two models each month. Add that to once again showing a loyalty model that will be released "very soon" that won't be released for at least 6 months. We saw it with previous loyalty rewards, the skirmish rules, and we're still waiting to see the standard Blackstone Commandos that you said you'd release in digital form to go with the other digital versions of BSC models. I really wanted to stay subbed, but that $10 will be better spent at Anvil Industry's Digital Forge in May. You used to be one of the best every month, but now your stuff needs to be considered on a month-by-month basis because it's just not the same quality of sculpts or timeliness of releases after teasers.


Aww, no animal-human hybrids? lol


That's a pretty short and sad reply to some well thought out criticism. Having the expectation that people will not judge your releases by the previews you're putting out, is contradictory to why you're previewing them in the first place. You should be putting some of your best work forward... You also haven't answered anything regarding the delayed loyalty rewards. Each one you add is only available at a further away point in time, and does nothing to entice a new buyer I honestly didn't have much of an opinion on this set, but your response here really made me had to speak up. Either get someone to help you manage how your company interacts with customers, or expect to have a lot more people unsub while you fumble the feedback

B. Griffith

I got my new loyalty reward today, but hey, you guys keep on being angry. While I often wish the models were as amazing as the concept art, and I complained quite a bit last month about one model that just isn’t up to the quality level expected of UNIT 9, they’re still consistently the best CYBERPUNK sculptors out there. When Jeremy Bernhardt said he was leaving to go to some other Patreon I thought, “neat! A cyberpunk Patreon I haven’t looked at!” But no, it’s just another Games Workshop takeoff, mostly. Cyberpunk is too darned rare. I may not like EVERY mini that UNIT 9 makes, but I’m not going anywhere as long as they keep doing proper cyberpunk!

Jeremy Bernhardt

I got my 18 month reward also, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if none of us would have gotten them yesterday without me posting that earlier in the day. We waited 6 months or more from the flyer loyalty teaser to the actual release. The consistency with delays is just silly, and easily avoided by not posting until closer to ready, or simply not saying something like "rewards available very soon" when it is only applicable when we're talking a cosmic time scale. Unit9 has a consistent style, but they aren't the only cyberpunk Patreon, and they don't take big risks on designs. They're cool models, but anyone cool do the Infinity-meets-Destiny-meets-Cyberpunk 2077 style if they wanted to. They're well supported, but that's also not unique these days. Most of the other good cyberpunk sculptors also don't fall into the trap over overly stereotypical themed seta. While Voodoo Posse was interesting, January was a whole month of models that should have had chicken, watermelon, and grape sodas to stay on the theme. Hell, I'm STILL waiting for the mini gun arm from the August '21 MOB Drones to be resized correctly or to get a percentage from Unit9 so I can just shrink it and support it myself. I should have to guess, or to measure the bad and a good to do the conversion math myself. Been asking for this since September' 21. Communication with the backers has never been their strength.


You know the one you complained about was only an issue with the pre-render right. The miniature upon release wasn't clipped at all. No hate, just didn't want you to miss out on printing because you thought it was broken when it isn't :D


The full May release addresses all the issues that the guy had tho. Each of the models has a dynamic and a static pose for the exact models he's complaining about. Which is something that was specifically asked for by the community a little while back. Also I have had no issue getting my loyalty rewards. Never sure why people are mad about that.

Pete Sims

In regards to the mini-gun arm, I appreciate this isn't helpful as Unit-9 should have dealt with it by now, but 54.4% worked perfectly for me.