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Hello to all Patrons,

As usual, it's time to show the April set.

The theme of the month is Prison Riots. Fights in prisons, including those with restricted security, are a real problem to solve. Especially when dealing with heavy augmented criminals. In April you have at your disposal an amazing models of prisoners - like mighty Touchdown or Rimfire or Sharpie plus something from the side of law and justice - huge Anti-Riot officers. Let’s make some noise.

As always, you get some nice terrains (in progress) plus awesome high-tech Prison mat. What is your favorite model this month?

Please remember to like, thumbs up and share.

We hope you like a new set. Stay with us to get awesome Loyalty Rewards. See you in a few days! Exciting month is coming …

Happy printing





i like big slab the model...his big tummy might be off putting i wonder. I love the sculpts but prefer the standing type more than kneeling, crouching, squatting, or wide legged. maybe a big slab slapping his tummy santa claus style laughing or some such. holding that container might be heavy after a while. great map and those riot police look the business.

Tobias Prinz

You're confusing Touchdown and Big Slap - Touchdown is the fat guy with the container. Big Slap, the guy a lot of people are criticizing, is the slim guy with the two cyber arms that has implanted optics in the draft and glasses in the render.

Tobias Prinz

I am really happy with the release. Big Slap's optics in the render are a let-down, I really would like to see some prison-style hacked thing in there, like Rimfire has. But Sharpie got a second, better pose; I like Big Slap's rendered pose much better than the draft; and I got two awesome-looking fat guys (though I like the draft pose of Yamaguchi more than the rendered one, but the sumo squat is fitting the design)