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Nothing but spirit

that is the man's way of life ... 

more soon.

Happy Printing





this looks dope - I cannot wait. I am printing everything in 75mm scale - I wish the supports were smaller! but the results are great


This isn't speaking to me yet but your sculpts are always beautiful and interesting so it's a win either way. I'm sure there will be something that grabs me.


How do they look in 75mn ? I love the prints I make I the normal scale. But aint some of the details a bit to large / deep for 75mm scale. I would like models made for large scale. As I am more of a painter. And I think there is a lot of potential here.


I'm not too sure what you mean by too large/deep - they look great to me. But I am a quite inexperienced painter, only recently picking the brush back up. painted a bunch of warhams as a kid though. Reason I had these printed in 75mm is my friend's printer did not seem to be able to handle the minute detail on some of these models. I can send you a bunch of photos if you'd like, not sure if that's helpful. Reply with your Discord username if you want.