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Hey everyone,

Hasn't been a very good week, burnout has reared its ugly head and I've had major writer's block/ lack of motivation due to it.

All in all: I'm going to have a week off of work as I need time away from my workstation.

The goal was to get a substantial RC update out this week, but with the way I've been feeling and the cyclical nature/mindset of: A - try to get to work -> B - can't manage to get it done -> C - feel guilty then back to point A I haven't managed aught but 8 pages.

I'm going to keep the comic and game tiers at $1 for November yet again, just to try and make it up, but I'm sorry, I need a week to sort my headspace out.

I actually enjoyed doing this small part when I managed it, but I wanted this to end with Katy managing to speak out to Lola in a profoundly bizarre conversation.

I'm not sure whether more shall be out Sunday as I shall be away from Monday to Saturday next week, but I'll try for all of you.

Speak to you all soon and take care.




A high quality 8 pages! Details like the sweat are great! As an artist I bet its a bit more fun to create new character, than to create Ken hybrids, as you have a bit more freedom.


Thanks B. It is nice dipping into fresh projects and creating new scenarios and characters, you have maximum freedom in the conceptualization stage for sure and you find you are somewhat railroaded when the story starts rolling along its narrative tracks. Though there is excitement for what is to come in RC, and there's comfort in coming back to it - like wearing your favourite baggy shirt, it's familiar in its comfort.


This is a really fun section!


Yep even if its only 8 pages like they said before me its Quality over quantity or.... You know it would be easy to make that one into a pun but I'm above that.... HEH No I'm NOT! its QuanTITTY.... Back to my comment But Yeah it worked out well I like how Ken/Katy is again VERY nicely working out (fit buff girls are awesome and I'm always glad to see more of them in animes or comics or movies) now while I AM still curious about Whats gonna happen in at the end of the chapter plus in the outside world or if Ken/Katy will try to fight back on some point against B Katy (You thought you could get away from my Cheesy NICKNAMES?! CHEESY NICKNAMES NEVER LEAVE!) And Ken/Katy would get acceptance and feeling of being okay with how she is but would fight back on parts where B Katy would try to get them away from Lola. Idk if that was Da plan or no but I like how things are going therefore and thusly I'll say this update was cool and dont be stressed out we'll be here I can get it as an artist myself that when you make up deadlines (or imaginary deadlines) and you fail delivering then it can be a BIIIIIG hit so I say again wrorry not just relax and dont let stress poison something that you enjoy :D It was nice and cant wait for more :D