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Hello everyone,

To cut to the meat of the matter - here is the first of many updates for Magical Camp.




Now I'm unsure whether the game shall work on Android/IOS/Web or Mac due to RPG Maker things, but do let me know.

Now, this update isn't a long one - about 10 minutes or so, but a lot has been done that you will maybe not even see or appreciate, including buying and learning to use a ton of new plugins. I think I've sunk about 150 - 200 hours just researching/ getting assets together/ learning new skills for the old wheelhouse. If you require a guide then God help you.

I've actually redone the story as, oddly, I had a dream that was much better than my original plan, which would've more or less been a direct clone of the source material... so that set me back a little.

This update is a 'proof of concept', of sorts, but primarily to myself to see whether what I have planned is feasible... which it seems to be.

My workload from now on shall include Magical Camp, TLotK, and comic work, to attain some level of variety in what I'm doing.

Over the weekend I shall release a map that is just a  placeholder (of which everything is at the moment) map with some notes about my narrative intentions. So it'll be dipping into spoiler territory.

I'll be back tomorrow with a little something something. So I'll talk to you then!

Oh, and patrons can get access to all content on the $1 tier in September again. Just a reminder. ;)



Thanks for the intro. Also a little advice to do archive for mac as .zip file (pain in ass for mac to unzip .rar file). Fingers crossed for RC tomorrow.


This is really cool you're doing this cause since I was really disappointed that the original devs got burnt out