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Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know that I have decided to cut chapter 15 off at the prior page as, after a patron pointed it out, this was indeed a very good spot to cut the
chapter. The chapter has lived long enough.

As you can see from the Chapter PAGE (hopefully) I've been experimenting around in KKS in between RPG Maker work (Magical Camp is getting so close now!) to get the images a bit sharper so I'll be attempting to utilize this over the weekend. I have done a few pages already that need to be re-done, but this chapter shall likely be a bit shorter, albeit VERY labour intensive. I'm going to be doing a lot of Photoshop composition work on many of the pages.

So, let's see if we can't get close to the end of this chapter by Friday the 28th.

This is an 'I'm sorry, not sorry' moment, as I really appreciate you all, but I also want to see what I can get out of KKS and push some boundaries with some newer techniques, to break through that skill ceiling. If they don't pay off, then that's fine. But that title page looks very appealing as I look on respectfully if I say so myself.

I may twist my own arm and update like I have done this past week on a semi-daily basis so to not leave the lot of you hanging, if I decide to do so you'll see a post on Monday with a handful of pages.

P.S. I'll update the dl files for the next update, including pdfs. Oh and that isn't Ken's actual boob size at the moment, you'll see that in the upcoming chapter. ;)

P.P.S. The prior chapter part has been amended in my prior post, typos and 'to be continued' etc.




I'm a little bit confused. You mentioned that chapter 15 is done and there are already few new pages. But what is meant by "let's see if we can't get close to the end of this chapter by Friday the 28th"?


Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. Chapter 15 is done, I ended it on that cliff-hanger in the prior update. If you check out my prior post I've altered a page or two. The reason I've done this was just to break up the story so it is more digestible rather than having a 300-page chapter! So next week the upload is going to be what I had planned for the end of Chapter 15 as it is going to be long enough to be its own chapter. Oh, and the few newer pages? Those are now part of Chapter 16.

Kieran Hale

i love the visual metaphor here :D