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Hey everyone,

Publishing what I have done over the two weeks, I'll be amending and adding to this later tonight or early tomorrow. Just wanted to give all of you some content before the month is over as I have something that requires my full attention that has just cropped up today. I highly recommend that you reread it when I update this post again.

UPDATE: Altered and amended some comic pages. The business that stole my time Friday is now continuing through the weekend, sorry guys. I'm having to travel and I won't be back until late Sunday, so I'll work on the comic more next week. A patron has kindly pointed out that some pdfs are difficult to view as well, so a priority when I return is to create a sticky post that has all of the pdfs for all of the comic work that I have done so far. Afterward, it is more Requited Change and more TLotK work. Speak to you all Sunday/ Monday!

Pages 7 and 10 took a full workday each to do. So I hope you appreciate the quality of boobage on offer!

The chapter end will now be in the next update, as we're really close to it where we are in the story. Sorry for all of the exposition, it is needed and I kinda had some fun with it. The bully really overuses that hard 'f' am I right?

Speak to you all soon. Sorry to leave you hanging yet again!

P.S. Don't forget that all content is available for $1 next month, so don't forget to change your pledge! And as always a thank you to all of you supporting patrons!




also love the "quality of boobage" i have always been a fan of nipples being prominent through fabric like on page 10


Maybe I'm a simpleton, but I think a trip to the bathroom mirror is close to due! I was looking forward to this, and you didn't disappoint!


Now since I am someone who points out the Ws as much as the Ls I liked how Emily ACTUALLY tried to help Ken Katy...... idk whom to call this one now cause we have an inner Katy too soo..... I'll refer to current Ken as either Current Ken or Outer Katy.... or O.K. .... just gonna truck on with the message I'm not making this better am I? Anyway Emily protecting Outer Katy was NICE! palm the other hand I also felt sort of bad for her when Outer Katy just told her to get the f out of her sight. so while I tore into Emily in the last comment because of her.... lets be honest clearly horrible apology I DID liked how she actually tried to help here..... I also liked how Outer Katy's Development cough cough obviously character development and certainly not her boobah development (actually yes I like how she is growing more booba) have went on ALSO! I like how Outer Katy just corrects herself seemingly in her mind now but since she clearly still wants to be with Lola this means that whatever Inner Katy wanted for Outer Katy might not even happen at all since Outer Katy's love for Lola is way to stronk and I'd like to live withone of the greatest songs from the Series Once Upon a time "Love is the most powerful magic of all" so yeah! You go Tig Bitty Tomboy girl you do go and kick ass take names and keep yourself the way you want to be dont let your dreams be dreams! Also the bully..... umm.... tbh I think I could just offer another refference.... from that fun... and totally not depresing movie called... the Joker...... You get what you fucking deserve *BLAM!* *pours more of Katy's Milk over him* TBH I actually see potential in him actually becoming a typical Cutsie girl so the oposite of what he was we know that basically from Day 1 he was ruining Ken's life so now him actually slowly turning into a cutsie shy girl who doesn't know how to react to her feelings..... I think it is a good.... punishment? Gift? tbh him getting a new perspective being humbled might do good for him later on down the line cant wait to see Emily shittalk the eff out of him. And now the last part of my comment cause its already too long (sorry for the comment walls btw I'm just really excited to see new parts every now and then of the story) I cant wait to see more and I'm excited about what the future might bring. I wish you good health happiness and joy as much as you are bringing to us and more Massmanic!


Thanks Richard, I enjoy hearing that my work is being appreciated, and a thank-you for the well-wishes and support too! I don't mind the amount of text, I know you're excited about the comic and that's awesome. Yeah, I needed a character that was semi-deserving of the change, and the bully fit the bill. Who knows? The formula may be used by penal systems to reform prisoners into busty babes and integrate them back into society. Seems dangerous though- in one person it bred Katy, in the other it seems to be creating a docile gyaru, which is truly a contradiction in terms if I've heard one! Joker eh? "Wanna know how I got these tits?" XD I want the situation to be very karmic in the end, so yeah, he is gonna get what he fucking deserves! ;)


Nice effect with Lola there


Thanks, I put a lot of love and some new techniques into this update. Attack on Titan was my inspiration, particularly for page 8. Maybe a bit of 'A Hat in Time' too? I know what you're thinking: 'How can one person be so cultured?'


i dont believe anyone has commented on this yet but this is a quick and simple comment specifically for page 9... nice butt. :D