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Hey all, both old and new patrons!

A 15 page update for RC. Didn't quite make the 20.

Had a bad week yet again. I pulled it back around towards the end.
I've got imposter syndrome that I'm trying to deal with at the moment. Stupid brain!

Some files need altering, pages editing etc. So I'll get that done for next week along with the potentially bra-busting chapter finale.

I'm going to focus on RC for the rest of the month now, there's a lot that needs to be kept track of in this chapter and I want to keep working on it while it's all fresh in my mind.

Again, as I'm working through some stuff, know that the $1 tier shall give you access to all comic content this month and next month.

Speak to you all on the 22nd!

P.S. I hope you're all liking the work!




Too excited for the next Ken tf


Same here cant wait to see what will happen next also the telephone one was a nice cliffhanger cant wait to see more and I'm also wondering how will Ken Develop further