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Hey all my wonderful supporter, both old and new!

We're still not quite at the end yet... sorry about that...

But I am putting out a rather large update for Journey of an Alraune.
I kind of extended the story a touch just to add a little more mystery and intrigue to it, plus I really want to have a big cinematic climax to the story.

I have busted my keister trying to get this story completed- nearly every page of this part of JoaA has taken roughly 2-3 hours to do, plus there was making Jack and Buddleia's semi-final tfs which took about half a day to get looking decent. Not justifying anything- merely bragging. *Smugface*
The end is in sight, but I'll allow all of you to vote on what you wish to see next as Jack and Buddleia's adventure shall take roughly another week to conclude, and I know not everyone is here for the alraune story, so democracy shall be instigated tomorrow in the form of a poll so you may all vote on what's next.

P.S. If the alraune story is voted for bring a box of tissues, but not for fapping.

I'll post all of the links for my content below as we've had some new patrons join- welcome to all of them! Hopefully this'll help you navigate my content a bit easier.

Pdfs are below, 'Part 7's' current content begins on Page 40 in the part 7 pdf - haven't updated the pdfs recently.

Here are the 'Mega' files (may also have to dig for current content as my smooth brain forgot to update the mega files for a while, should be page 40 again for current update):

'Journey of an Alraune' Part 7:

'Journey of an Alraune' Parts 1 - 7 (complete work so far):

For those who haven't seen my other works, here are the links to those:

'Demon Lord to Demon Lady'


'Requited Change' Chapter 14 (with a link to download prior parts)


'A Trick or a Treat':


'The Succubi Wish':


'The Youkai's Tail':


'Maid Different' Chapters 1 - 3:


'Sylvie's Salvare':




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