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Hey all my wonderful supporters. It is I, MassManic back again with another partial update.

I promised content for today, and here it is, but it's unfinished.

This is the unedited/ unproofread version with the sexy/ body horror TF scene missing.
"Why is it missing" I hear you ask?
"MassManic, didn't you promise us an animated TF scene?" Well... I ran into some complications, all of which are because I'm still a little bit of a newby when it comes to animating.
I've been slamming my head against a brick wall trying to get the gosh-darned idea to work but it's a little too big-brain for me right now.


The TF pages shall be uploaded on Sunday/ Monday. This allows me a bit of time to get them polished up as a TF update isn't quite anything without a liberal sprinkling of TF on it is it? It's like pizza without cheese. Ew.

I'll try and get some animation in there too, I'll do what I can, but it isn't what I aimed for. It's time-consuming stuff, yo.

Again, thanks for the support and patience. These pages shall be altered a little so these aren't the finished versions. (This is aimed at you Turkey, I know there are some typos in there!) 

I'm out of time, but it has been another learning venture. I'll get the final polished part uploaded before the month's end. Enjoy your weekend everyone!



Turkey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 07:29:50 Page 12 defficiency -> deficiency; me and Brian -> Brian and I
2022-02-25 21:51:48 Page 12 defficiency -> deficiency; me and Brian -> Brian and I

Page 12 defficiency -> deficiency; me and Brian -> Brian and I