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Hello everyone,

Well, a major extraneous variable has appeared that I cannot do a damn thing about. For anyone who doesn't know, I live in Great Britain - God bless the Queen and all that. I hate this country for its tax and high living costs, but most of all I hate how unprepared we are for the weather. 

Storm Eunice over the past couple of days has been destroying property and POWER LINES in the UK, especially in coastal areas where I live. This has set me back horrendously in my plans. We've had power restored and lost intermittently during this and I'm still a bit reluctant to use my PC as repairs are still ongoing. If the power goes out while working not only do I lose any unsaved progress but my PC could be corrupted and that's game over man.

I have got 12 pages of the comic done (was aiming for roughly 20) Jack is going to be be gender-changed further by Buddleia with some animated panels. I'm going to try and get this finished for Wednesday if I can, but it might be for a bit later on in the month. As I said, it's risky even being on the PC and although I'd love to catch up on things I missed, even outside of work, I'll likely be swerving my PC today due to the aforementioned risk to hardware. I'll still be checking on things with the charge on my phone if power gets interrupted again (as I have been during this BS) but I'd thought I'd let you all know.

I've done this post as fair warning to you all, I've been getting content out throughout Dad's illness and this is the thing that stops me; God themself threatening to destroy my hardware. 

TLDR: storm Eunice can suck my ass, the UK can do the same, Journey of An Alraune out Wednesday at the earliest.

I'll keep you all informed on what is going on. Tally-ho pip-pip.

P.S. Thanks to those who have joined me, you came at a bad time! XD



Kishin Slayer

I recommend getting an uninterruptible power supply if possible. I live in south Louisiana, right where hurricane ida ripped the state apart last year. We're probably the most prepared area in the world for this kind of shit, but when nature decides to pick up a tree and throw it at a substation or something there isn't exactly a lot you can do lmfao. We've had frequent flickers and outages ever since, and the best way to insulate is a UPS/surge protector. If the power goes out it gives you about 5 or 10 minutes of battery power to save shit and close your PC without damaging anything. Imo it's one of the most necessary pieces of any desktop setup. You can get them on amazon for about 60 USD, i highly recommend looking into it.


Thanks Kishin, that is pretty helpful. I'll be ordering one of them, weather in the UK seems to be getting crazier so it shall be a worthwhile investment.


:O ive been here for a while and didnt realise you were a fellow brit :D hahaha. Hope your doing well, wind ripped my door off.


Ayy, flying that union jack too? Sounds like you've had it rough where you are too. We've personally had no property damage, but one neighbour has lost half of the tiles on their roof and a tree nearby has crushed someone's garage! It's mainly the power loss, but it has been stable for a while now so I'll get back to work later today.