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Hello everyone, just the final update of the month on what is happening this week.

Later this week I am taking a bit of a vacation of sorts. On a prior post I mentioned that I was invited to a wedding (hence why I was willing to do 1.5 chapters of 'Requited Change' this month - to keep the main series on-track) and this wedding is requiring me to travel and stay with some family friends. 

The wedding event shall, all in all, take roughly five days from Wednesday the 1st December until December the 5th. I shall be working (when I can, no laptop unfortunately) first on the first part of the Alraune TF story, following with the final half of Chapter 10 of 'Requited Change' - Ken's aunt returns! 

When I know how long things are going to take I'll let you all know, I may still be able to get the Alraune story out by Sunday, but don't take that as gospel as there's still a lot to do in relation to the wedding.

Thanks again for all your support, let's see if we can beat the patron count record of 418 for Christmas!


Kieran Hale

Have fun with the wedding :)